A recent study analyzed patient perspectives on their experience, expectations, and preferences regarding topical treatments for psoriasis. Most participants reported using topical therapy at least once weekly and would allow two weeks for a medication to become effective before discontinuing use. Water-based creams were the most preferred formulation, and the application feel, non-staining, and quick absorption were the most important attributes. Additionally, participants indicated that they would discontinue the use of a topical treatment if they did not like the formulation, highlighting the unique burden of topical medications. This study underscores the importance of considering patients’ preferences and characteristics of psoriasis treatment vehicles when planning treatment regimens.

Reference: Nagorka C. Patient Preferences in Topical Psoriasis Treatment. Dermatology Times. Published April 20, 2023. Accessed May 5, 20223. https://www.dermatologytimes.com/view/patient-preferences-in-topical-psoriasis-treatment

Link: https://www.dermatologytimes.com/view/patient-preferences-in-topical-psoriasis-treatment