FDA Updates “Healthy” Label Criteria to Support Healthy Eating Patterns and Promote Health Equity
| Categories: general
The FDA has updated the criteria for the “healthy” nutrient content claim to help consumers identify foods that align with dietary recommendations. Read More>
Revised Approaches for Diabetes Overtreatment in Older Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Recent clinical guidelines recommend avoiding “diabetes overtreatment” in older individuals [...]
Gum Disease and Diabetes: Importance of Regular Dental Exams and Oral Health Management
Gum disease is more prevalent in patients with diabetes and [...]
Diabetes Treatment Guidelines for Older Adults: Tailoring Care Based on Health, Aging, and Comorbidities
This guideline provides clinical practice guidance for treating diabetes in [...]
Effective Management of End-Stage Renal Disease
| Categories: cardiology
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) occurs when kidney function is inadequate without transplantation or dialysis. Read More>
Insulin Resistance in Non-Diabetic Patients With CKD
Researchers of this study aimed to identify factors associated with [...]
Gout and Chronic Kidney Disease: Prevalence, Challenges, and Treatment
Gout, a prevalent inflammatory arthritis, is triggered by monosodium urate [...]
Higher Phosphorus Levels Linked to Increased Anemia Risk in Individuals With Early Chronic Kidney Disease and Normal Kidney Function
Researchers investigated whether higher phosphorus levels are associated with anemia [...]
Unveiling Follicular Psoriasis: Case Study Sheds Light on Rare Variant in Brazilian Patient
| Categories: dermatology
This letter to the editor highlights follicular psoriasis (FP), a rare variant of psoriasis, with a particular focus on its manifestation in a 58-year-old diabetic […]
Multi-Omics Study Reveals Key Microbial and Gene Interactions in Psoriasis Severity
Researchers of a study conducted a multi-omics analysis of host-microbe [...]
Research Identifies Hormone Hepcidin as Key Trigger in Psoriasis
Recent research suggests that the hormone hepcidin may be a [...]
Psoriasis Linked to Higher Risk of Lung and Breast Cancer
Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting about 3% of [...]
Clostridioides difficile Infection Recurrences
| Categories: gastroenterology
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a global health challenge, often linked to healthcare settings and recurring due to persistent gut dysbiosis after antibiotic treatment. While […]
Clostridioides difficile Infection: Diagnostics and Prevention
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is a major cause of healthcare-associated [...]
Clostridioides difficile: Prevention, Treatment, and Special Population Management
Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) remains a significant nosocomial threat, often [...]
VOWST for Recurrent Clostridioides difficile Prevention
SER-109 (VOWST) is the first FDA-approved oral microbiome therapy designed [...]
Hematology & Oncology
Ruxolitinib Best for Glucocorticoid-Refractory, -Dependent GVHD
| Categories: hematology-oncology, newsletter
Compared with control therapy, the Janus kinase inhibitor ruxolitinib leads to greater overall response, failure-free survival, and symptom response for glucocorticoid-refractory or -dependent chronic graft-versus-host […]
Annual Checkup Day: Are You Up to Date on Your Health?
August 11 is Annual Medical Checkup Day, a yearly reminder [...]
Cancer Surgery Expenses for Patients with Private Insurance are Higher at NCI Centers
Cancer surgeries at National Cancer Institute (NCI) centers are associated [...]
Catheter Size During Chemo May Impact Risk for Blood Clots
Risk of blood clots or thrombosis during intravenous (IV) chemotherapy [...]
Guidelines Align on Diabetes and CKD Management, Tackle Implementation Challenges
| Categories: nephrology
The 2022 ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes and the KDIGO 2022 Clinical Practice Guideline provide evidence-based recommendations for managing diabetes and chronic kidney […]
Chronic Kidney Disease Urges Early Detection Despite End-Stage Kidney Disease Mortality Decline
Despite a decline in mortality among patients with end-stage kidney [...]
Study Finds Kidney Transplantation Significantly Improves Quality of Life for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) experience a decline in [...]
New Technologies Offer Hope for Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease Amidst Donor Organ Shortage
Over two million people globally suffer from end-stage renal disease [...]
Diagnosing and Managing Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
| Categories: neurology
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is an immune-mediated neuropathy that affects peripheral nerves and roots, with higher incidence in older males. Read More >
Effective Biomarkers That Differentiate Motor Neuron Disease From Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
A recent study assessed the effectiveness of serum neurofilament light [...]
Functional Neurological Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment
Functional neurological disorder involves a problem with how the [...]
Amyloid Neuropathy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Amyloid neuropathy, caused by insoluble amyloid deposits in the [...]
Study Reveals Key Factors in the Transition from Preschool Wheeze to Asthma Using Multiomic Profiling
| Categories: pulmonology
Wheezing in childhood is a common occurrence, with more than half of all children experiencing at least one episode by age 6. However, the reasons […]
Exploring Allergen Immunotherapy for Allergic Asthma: Potential for Improved Control and Prevention
This review article looked at clinical trials to explore allergen [...]
Study Links Dietary Antioxidants With Lower Asthma Risk, But Causal Relationship Remains Unclear
This study explored the relationship between diet-derived antioxidants and asthma [...]
Probiotics in Asthma Treatment: Potential Benefits and the Need for Further Research
This review explores the potential role of probiotics in the [...]
Study Reveals Older Patients With Psoriasis Face Faster Progression to Psoriatic Arthritis
| Categories: rheumatology
Researchers of a study found that individuals diagnosed with psoriasis (PsO) at age 43 or older are more likely to experience a shorter interval between […]
Older Age and Specific Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Subtypes Linked to Higher Risk of Active Disease
A recent single-center retrospective study found that patients with juvenile [...]
Study Identifies Key Risk Factors for Long-Term Opioid Use in Patients With AxSpA and PsA
Recent research has identified key factors associated with long-term opioid [...]
Ultrasound Reveals Subclinical Inflammation in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis on Targeted Therapy
A recent study revealed that ultrasound can detect active enthesitis [...]