Dr. Lin Chang welcomes Dr. Anthony Lembo, a specialist in the field and Vice Chair of Research at Cleveland Clinic’s Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute, to a Medscape InDiscussion episode on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) treatments, focusing on pharmacologic therapies. Dr. Lembo discusses the importance of modifying a patient’s lifestyle and behavioral factors as a first step before prescription medications, exploring dietary changes, exercise, stress, and sleep to alleviate symptoms. Dr. Lembo also stresses the importance of communication and education when prescribing medications for IBS to help patients understand the mechanisms of their symptoms, potential treatments, and expected outcomes. Overall, Dr. Lembo’s approach to IBS treatment involves a personalized strategy that considers various factors, including the patient’s symptoms, history, and preferences, as well as lifestyle modifications and a stepwise approach to pharmacologic interventions.
Reference: Chang L, Lembo A. Effective Pharmacotherapy for IBS-C, IBS-D and IBS-Mixed. Medscape InDiscussion. Updated June 14, 2023. Accessed August 29, 2023. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/987261?form=fpf